Saturday, January 10, 2009

Saturday CVS Trip

3 Snickers $1.50
One Touch $29.99
NutraTrim $7.98
CVS Toothbrushes $2.99
CVS Toothbrushes $1.49
Subtotal $43.95

$29.99 One Touch
$4/20 CVS Q
1.47 CVS Q
$8.49 ECB
Total $0.00
Earned $7.98 ECB
Net Cost $0.51

This one should of been different but she hadn't scanned the $3 CVS Q so when she gave me the total and I gave her the ECB she could only enter the q for the remaining balance. Bummer, so I lost .51!

2nd Store
2 SoyJoy $12
CVS Hand Sanitizer $1.19
CVS Hand Sanitizer $0.59
CVS Hand Sanitizer $1.19
CVS Hand Sanitizer $0.59
Subtotal $15.56

$3 SoyJoy Q
$3 CVS Q
$3/15 CVS Q
$5.98 ECB
Total $0.058
Earned $12 ECB
Profit $5.44

Transaction 2
2 SoyJoy $12

$3 SoyJoy Q
$4 ECB
$4.99 ECB
Total $.01
Earned $12 ECB
Profit $3

Post Signature

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