Thursday, September 18, 2008

So good to be home

I am sooo glad to be home or should I say we. We left town on Thurs. due to Ike paying a visit, and it was no vacation. My poor baby was miserable and so was I. She was ontop of me the entire time, she wanted no one but me. Plus she was just cranky, her poor daddy couldn't even calm her down and I usually hand her over for him to do just that. Ah, but once we got home all was right in the world once again.

We actually arrived back into town on Sun. evening thankfully our home suffered no damage but we had no power. So, we stayed with my in-laws bless them for taking a screaming Haley us in. We got our power back Tues. evening and we were so ready to go home. There's nothing like sleeping in your own bed!

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